Video Clips

  • Local Edition - Charter Community Television
    Ginnie Carey, Publicity Director, reflects on the Chorale's First Ten Years
    Local Television Interview, Comcast, Danbury CT, Aired December 13, 2009
  • Let's Talk - Community Access Television 
    "(Our audience) uses our concert to get into the mood for the Holidays."
    Local Television Interview, Comcast, Danbury CT, Aired November 11, 2004
  • Let's Talk - Community Access Television 
    "I would call it the greatest thing that's happened..."
    Local Television Interview, Comcast, Danbury CT, Aired November 21, 2002
  • Holiday Prelude Concert Encore - Go Tell It!
    - Dial-Up - High-Speed -
    This took First Place at McDonald's Gospelfest 2002
    St. Mary Church, Bethel CT, November 18, 2001
  • McDonald's Gospelfest 2001
    - Dial-Up - High-Speed -
    "...morale here has been flying since they walked away with the prize."
    ABC7 Television, New York City, Aired July 14, 2001 - Video Promo 
  • Let's Talk - Community Access Television 
    "I want to leave everyone...happy and on a high note."
    Local Television Interview, Comcast, Danbury CT, Aired May 9, 2002
  • Community Forum Television 
    " my life."
    Local Television Interview, Comcast, Danbury CT, Aired February 24, 2001